Thursday 24 July 2014

Site Analysis
While thinking more about creating a space for busking down at the boatsheds I came up with a few potential problems, firstly the reason buskers are successful is due to their placement and the amount of traffic that place gets, for example buskers down Cuba Street are fairly successful because Cuba Street is always busy. Taking this into account i would need to think carefully about how to get plenty of traffic down infront of the boatsheds. Space for audience would also be an important thing to think about because the boatsheds are in a tidal area so the space infront of them is controlled by the tides which could be limiting at certain times of the day. I thought a good way to start to come with ideas for these problems was to go down to the boatsheds and do a Site Analysis of the area.
To do my Site Analysis I used this website: ( ) to get the building footprints around the area so that i could draw a use-able map. I then went down to the boatsheds and sat and drew the foot traffic so I could get a better idea of where people were walking in the space, I also took some more photos while I was down there so that I have pictures of the space during a different time of the day.
Here is my Site Analysis:

As you can see the red lines i drew was where people were walking, the darker they get means the more people that were walking there, this picture was drawn on the 23rd at approx. 3:30pm. As you can see there is not alot of foot traffic along the front of the boatsheds but there a plenty of people walking along the top, behind them. The main problem with people walking up the top is that you cant see whats happening infront of the boatsheds from up there (shown in the picture above), and a busker relies on strangers walking past to stop and have a look. so somehow I need to be able to attract people walking where the red photo was taken to walk down to where the green photo was taken.

Another problem is tides:

As you can see the difference between the space infront of the boatsheds is quite dramatic, so perhaps the space can only be used at certain times of the day for busking or I can come up with another idea for creating more space infront of the sheds.

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