Thursday, 31 July 2014

I knew for this project i wanted to have alot of seating areas infront of the boatsheds because the one thing that annoyed me about the night market was how it was always to crowded and there was no places to sit. With having dedicated seating areas away from the stalls it stops all the need for crowding around the stalls and also there would be plenty of spaces to sit down and relax.
I made a mock up of the seating idea in sketchup, this may not be my final idea but i quite like the arrangement for it, I added in three different types of seating for the space: Benches, Circle benches arranged around a circle table and outdoor chairs arranged around a fire pit. I also added in some rubbish bins so that people can dispose of their rubbish after they are finished eating.

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Meeting of Different Cultures of Food
The main influence I got for this idea was from the Cuba Street night market, I really like that idea because there was a huge amount of different cultures of food with their own stalls, its like this big meeting of cultures in a tiny space. I then started to think about how this would work down at the boatsheds, you could use each boatshed as a stand alone stall and have a different culture of food in each one. One thing the night market was missing was space to walk around or sit down, this is where designing this idea for the boatshed would come in handy because the stalls themselves wouldn't be in the way because they're all in their own boatshed, plus i could design a seating area infront of the boatsheds for people to sit and enjoy their meal.
I then collected some images off the internet to influence my design:

New Meeting Idea
I need a new meeting idea to start designing my space for this week so I decided to list what-ever i thought and pick the best from that.
  • Pizza Bar
  • Whisky Bar
  • Lounge Space
  • Lunch Spot
  • Gaming Lounge
  • Mirror Maze
  • Meeting of Different Cultures of Food
  • Sculpture Garden
  • Workshop
  • Party Area
  • Self Cooking Space
  • Compact Living Space
  • Craft Market
Out of all of these ideas i favored the Meeting of Different Cultures of Food.
Drawings of Busking Space






Friday, 25 July 2014

Sketch-up Walk-through
Here is a Walk-through of my Sketch-up Model.

Photos from Sketch-up Model
I created a mock up of what my space might look like, I took some pictures from inside Sketch-up.

While thinking about how to create more seating for this space while also being able to control the tides i came up with the idea of having and Amphitheater type seating arrangement that goes into the water but is kept dry with a concrete wall around the outside, much like how the little dock works down there.

I gathered some resources to reference from.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Re-direct Traffic Idea
So in order to get more traffic infront of the boatsheds i had the idea of cutting a window into the top of the boatshed so that you would be able to see down into it from the street. The reason I thought this might potentially attract more people to go down is because people like to be able to see whats going on, sound might not be enough but with sound and visuals it may attract more people.
I created a mock up of my idea in sketch-up:

Site Analysis
While thinking more about creating a space for busking down at the boatsheds I came up with a few potential problems, firstly the reason buskers are successful is due to their placement and the amount of traffic that place gets, for example buskers down Cuba Street are fairly successful because Cuba Street is always busy. Taking this into account i would need to think carefully about how to get plenty of traffic down infront of the boatsheds. Space for audience would also be an important thing to think about because the boatsheds are in a tidal area so the space infront of them is controlled by the tides which could be limiting at certain times of the day. I thought a good way to start to come with ideas for these problems was to go down to the boatsheds and do a Site Analysis of the area.
To do my Site Analysis I used this website: ( ) to get the building footprints around the area so that i could draw a use-able map. I then went down to the boatsheds and sat and drew the foot traffic so I could get a better idea of where people were walking in the space, I also took some more photos while I was down there so that I have pictures of the space during a different time of the day.
Here is my Site Analysis:

As you can see the red lines i drew was where people were walking, the darker they get means the more people that were walking there, this picture was drawn on the 23rd at approx. 3:30pm. As you can see there is not alot of foot traffic along the front of the boatsheds but there a plenty of people walking along the top, behind them. The main problem with people walking up the top is that you cant see whats happening infront of the boatsheds from up there (shown in the picture above), and a busker relies on strangers walking past to stop and have a look. so somehow I need to be able to attract people walking where the red photo was taken to walk down to where the green photo was taken.

Another problem is tides:

As you can see the difference between the space infront of the boatsheds is quite dramatic, so perhaps the space can only be used at certain times of the day for busking or I can come up with another idea for creating more space infront of the sheds.

Monday, 21 July 2014

Ideas for Audience Placement
Because the area infront of the boatsheds is not very large I needed to have a new idea about how to create more space for people.

I had the idea of having lots of floating pontoons for people to stand on infront of the boatsheds because of the pontoon that people use for diving infront of the oriental bay beach

Something like this infront of the boatshed could create more space for people to stand and sit infront of the boatsheds, and if you connected up multiple it could create alot of space.

If people owned a boat they could also use that as a space to stand / sit to enjoy the busking, the reason i thought this is because infront of the boatsheds there are alot of boats anchored.

or perhaps if its a nice day then people could sit in inflatable rafts e.g lilos.

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Research for Meeting Space
Out of the 5 possible meeting spaces that could occur down at the boatsheds (Business meeting, Meeting for lunch, Chance meeting, Busking / mini concert, themed party) I decided to choose and research busking as a form of meeting that would occur at the boatsheds.

Notes on Busking as a form of Meeting
  • Busking is a form of meeting in the sense that somebodies music is meeting the audiences ears and often if the music that is being played is original than it is quite personal to the musician therefore this kind of meeting is important to the busker.
  • Another type of meeting that could occur because of the busking environment is the audience meeting each other because of a common appreciation of the music.
  • Its interesting that busking and street performing breaks down the stranger barrier for the audience and creates a little environment where people are more likely to talk to each other while watching because it creates a safe little environment in front of the busker.
  • Perhaps you are meeting a friend infront of the busker.
  • Space is very important for street performing because the acoustics of the area can dramatically transform the sound of the performance e.g someone playing in a subway station compared to someone playing outside, this is something to consider.
  • A chance for the busker to meet new people and hear feedback on their performance.
  • Busking tends to draw people in to the space creating more chances for meetings to occur.
  • Its important for busking to have a space for the performer (or a stage) and also a space for the audience to be so this is something to consider when designing this space.

Pictures of Busking and Images I Found Interesting
This picture shows a group of people performing on the street, what i found interesting about it is how the audience is situated around the performers, that they have their defined area and they are sticking to it.
This picture is very similar to the last in the sense that there is a clear definition between the performer and the audience.
I found this picture interesting in the terms of the boatshed space because the boat's themselves could be used as space to house the audience or the performer.

These 2 pictures demonstrate how space is being utilized in the sense of the audience, because the boatsheds don't have much space infront of them for a large audience perhaps I have to consider using the water just infront of them as a space as well.

I also found this video of busking in Wellington which I found interesting and gave me a few ideas about designing a meeting space for someone to perform in.
Drawings from Monday Week 2

Process Drawings


Pen / ink



